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Technical Reports

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Papers and Reports from Current Work


  • Church RL, Sexton R  2002  "Modeling small area evacuation: can existing transportation infrastructure impede public safety?"  Caltrans Testbed Center for Interoperability Task Order 3021, Final Report

  • Noronha VT, Church RL  2002  "Linear referencing and alternate expressions of location for transportation"  Caltrans Testbed Center for Interoperability Task Order 3021, Final Report

  • Noronha V, Goodchild MF 2000  “Map accuracy and location expression in transportation — reality and prospects” Transportation Research C, Special Issue on GIS-T,  8 53-69

  • Noronha V, Goodchild MF, Church RL, Kulkarni S, Aydin S 2000  “The LRMS Linear Referencing Profile — Technical Evaluation.”  United States Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066.  

  • Goodchild MF  1999  "GIS and transportation: status and challenges"  Keynote address, International Workshop on GIS-T and ITS, Chinese University of Hong Kong 

  • Noronha VT  1999  "Towards ITS map database interoperability — database error and rectification"  International Workshop on GIS-T and ITS, Chinese University of Hong Kong (downloadable version). Also published in GeoInformatica, Special Issue on GIS-T and ITS, 4 (2) 201

  • Noronha VT, Goodchild MF, Church RL, Fohl P  1999  "Location Expression Standards for ITS Applications — Testing the Cross Streets Profile" Annals of Regional Science, Special Issue on GIS Data Sharing and Standardization 33 197-212

  • VITAL 1998  "LX100 — Towards 100% success in Location Expression and Exchange"  Technical white paper, August 14 

  • Noronha V, Fohl P, Goodchild MF, Church RL 1998  “The LRMS Cross Streets Profile with Coordinates — Technical Evaluation.”  United States Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066.  

  • Church RL, Curtin K, Fohl P, Funk C, Goodchild MF, Kyriakidis P, Noronha V 1998 “Positional distortion in geographic data sets as a barrier to interoperation” Proceedings, ACSM Baltimore 

  • Funk C, Curtin K, Goodchild MF, Montello D, Noronha V  1998  “Formulation and test of a model of positional distortion fields” Third International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, Quebec City 
  • VITAL 1997  “The Cross Streets Profile — Technical Evaluation.”  United States Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066.  Draft, 1996 Dec 12.  Updated version above. 

  • Noronha V, Fohl P, Goodchild MF, Church RL 1997  “Interoperability of Map Databases — Development of Experimental Infrastructure.”  California Department of Transportation, Test Center for Interoperability, Interagency Agreement 65V250.  Final Report. 


Papers and Reports from previous NCGIA work funded by Caltrans/TCFI


  • Gottsegen J  1996  Deploying ITS Map Database Interoperability Standards, Report on the Workshop, December 3-4. 
  • Fohl P, Curtin K, Goodchild MF, Church RL  1996  "A non-planar, lane-based navigable data model for ITS" In M.J. Kraak and M. Molenaar (editors) Proceedings, Spatial Data Handling, Delft, August 12-16, pp 7B/17-29 

  • Church RL, Cova T, Gerges RL, Goodchild MF  1996   Conference on Object Orientation and Navigable Databases  Report on the Workshop, March 15-16. NCGIA Technical Report 96-9 

  • Goodchild MF  1996 “Geographic information systems and disaggregate transportation modeling”  NCGIA Symposium I-10, June 7-8 

  • Church RL, Coughlan D, Cova T, Goodchild MF, Gottsegen J, Lemberg D  1994  Final Report, Caltrans Agreement 65T155, MOU 1 NCGIA 
  • Cova T, Goodchild MF 1994   "Spatially distributed navigable databases for intelligent vehicle/highway systems" Proceedings, GIS/LIS, pp 191-200 
  • Gottsegen J, Goodchild MF, Church RL  1994   "A conceptual navigable database model for intelligent vehicle/highway systems" Proceedings, GIS/LIS, pp 371-380