1840Kb |
Church RL, Sexton R 2002 "Modeling small area evacuation: can
existing transportation infrastructure impede public safety?" Caltrans
Testbed Center for Interoperability Task Order 3021, Final Report
300Kb |
VT, Church RL 2002 "Linear referencing and alternate
expressions of location for transportation" Caltrans Testbed Center
for Interoperability Task Order 3021, Final Report
Noronha V, Goodchild MF 2000
“Map accuracy and location expression in transportation — reality and prospects”
Transportation Research C, Special Issue on GIS-T, 8 53-69
250Kb |
Noronha V, Goodchild MF, Church RL, Kulkarni S, Aydin S 2000
“The LRMS Linear Referencing Profile — Technical Evaluation.” United
States Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066.
39Kb |
Goodchild MF 1999 "GIS and transportation: status and challenges"
Keynote address, International Workshop on GIS-T and ITS, Chinese University
of Hong Kong
300Kb |
Noronha VT 1999 "Towards ITS map database interoperability —
database error and rectification" International Workshop on GIS-T
and ITS, Chinese University of Hong Kong (downloadable version). Also published
in GeoInformatica, Special Issue on GIS-T and ITS, 4 (2)
VT, Goodchild MF, Church RL, Fohl P 1999 "Location Expression
Standards for ITS Applications — Testing the Cross Streets Profile" Annals
of Regional Science, Special Issue on GIS Data Sharing and Standardization
33 197-212
VITAL 1998
"LX100 — Towards 100% success in Location Expression and Exchange"
Technical white paper, August 14
500Kb |
Noronha V, Fohl P, Goodchild MF, Church RL 1998
“The LRMS Cross Streets Profile with Coordinates — Technical Evaluation.”
United States Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066.
190Kb |
Church RL, Curtin K, Fohl P, Funk C, Goodchild MF, Kyriakidis P, Noronha V 1998
distortion in geographic data sets as a barrier to interoperation”
ACSM Baltimore
175Kb |
Funk C,
Curtin K, Goodchild MF, Montello D, Noronha V 1998 “Formulation
and test of a model of positional distortion fields” Third International
Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental
Sciences, Quebec City
VITAL 1997
“The Cross Streets Profile — Technical Evaluation.” United States
Department of Transportation, FHWA Contract DTFH61-91-Y-30066. Draft,
1996 Dec 12. Updated version above.
290Kb |
Noronha V, Fohl P, Goodchild MF, Church RL 1997
“Interoperability of Map Databases — Development of Experimental Infrastructure.”
California Department of Transportation, Test Center for Interoperability,
Interagency Agreement 65V250. Final Report.